Bear King & Bobo Chico Stories for Kids

The Adventure of the Flying Balloon [S1:E13]

May 29, 2022 Season 1 Episode 13

This children's podcast brings together all the characters in the series. Bear King and Bear Queen are hosting a picnic by the Willamette River for all the friends. Everyone is excited and delighted when Gabarret and Bobo Chico arrive in a hot air balloon. But their happiness turns to great concern when the balloon lifts off with Bear King and Bobo Chico inside! Unable to direct the balloon, the two friends are carried eastward towards the mountains. As they pass Mt. Hood, Bobo Chico marvels at the beautiful landscape and Bear King realizes another adventure is about to begin with his best friend.

Thank you for listening! If you like what you heard, please consider subscribing to the podcast series and providing a review. You can follow us on Instagram as @bearkingandbobochico.

Special thanks to our producer, Scott Whitney of PodWorx.

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