Bear King & Bobo Chico Stories for Kids

The Adventure of the Leaping Princesses [S1:E8]

Season 1 Episode 8

This children's podcast takes place on the Central Oregon Coast. Loar and Roen, while doing amazing kite tricks, meet up with Bear King and Bobo Chico on the beach near Waldport. There the meet the talented sisters, Princesses Roarua and Leyneda, visiting from LaLaLand. They all go to the celebration where the young people showcase their talents to great delight and applause. Disaster is avoided when Pete the Pirate is summoned by Carl the Crow, and thanks to Squawk the Parrot, agrees to sail the Princesses back home to LaLaLand.

Thank you for listening! If you like what you heard, please consider subscribing to the podcast series and providing a review. You can follow us on Instagram as @bearkingandbobochico.

Special thanks to our producer, Scott Whitney of PodWorx.

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